News Archive

Venue: The SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: 14 – 18 November 2016
Our contribution:
- J. Hrdlicka, J. Opatřil, M. Vodička, P. Skopec, L. Pilař, M. Staf: Modelling of Ca-looping for a 250 MWe lignite coal fired power plant - (pdf, 130kB)
Participation in the Conference was supported by a grant (NF-CZ08-BFB-1-019-2016) from the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation on programme level – measure “B” under the programme CZ08.

Workshop “Cooperation between forerunner and follower countries in CCS research: The example of Norway and the Czech Republic”
Venue: SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: 14 November 2016
Programme –(pdf, 333kB)
The workshop was organized in a Czech-Norwegian cooperation, involving partners from three projects funded from CZ08 programme: " Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate loop (HITECARLO, coordinated by University Chemistry and Technology Prague)," Study of CCS pilot technologies for coal fired power plants in the Czech Republic"(coordinated by Czech Technical University in Prague) and " Preparation of a Research Pilot Project on CO2 Geological Storage in the Czech Republic " (REPP-CO2, coordinated by Czech Geological Survey). The workshop was attended by representatives of the public sector of the Czech Republic and Norway (Research Council of Norway, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic) and invited GHGT-13 conference participants.
More information about the workshop including presentations you find on link –
Our contribution:
- K. Ciahotný: Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate
loop - (pdf, 390kB)
Participation in the Event was supported by a grant (NF-CZ08-BFB-1-019-2016) from the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation on programme level – measure “B” under the programme CZ08.

Venue: Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, USA
Date: 20 – 23 September 2016
Our contribution:
- Lecture: J. Hrdlička, J. Opatřil: Experimental Investigation of Bed-to-Surface Heat Transfer in a BFBC - (pdf, 256kB)

Final conference of “Carbon Capture & Storage – Sharing Knowledge and Experience“ project
Venue: lecture room B06, VŠCHT Praha
Date: 15 June 2016
Our contributions:
- K. Ciahotný: Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate loop- publicity - (pdf, 790kB)(in Czech language)

Venue: hotel Galant, Mikulov, Czech Republic
Date: 26 April 2016
Programme – (412kB, pdf)
The seminar took place at the 4th International Conference on Chemical Technology (ICCT 2016) in Mikulov and there were presented results of all projects supported by a grant from Norway - Programme CZ08 "Pilot Studies and Surveys on CCS Technology".

5th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences (SEES2016)
Meeting Venue: Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore
Date: 22 - 23 February 2016
Our contributions:
- K. Zakuciova: Life Cycle Assessment Overview of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies - (pdf, 414kB)
- J. Rocha: CCS Towards Sustainability, Social and environmental impacts by LCA approach - (pdf, 211kB)
- M. Staf: Suppression of natural limestones deactivation during cyclic carbonation carbonation-decarbonation process in CCS technology BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD - (pdf, 2.93MB)
- V. Kočí: The concept of Circular Economy applied to CCS, Waste and Wastewater Treatment Technologies - (pdf, 3.93MB)
- V. Vrbová: High Temperature Sorption of CO2 from Flue Gases Using Carbonate Loop - (pdf, 785kB)
- L. Jílková: Suitable Limestones for Removal of CO2 from Flue Gases Using High Temperature Carbonate Looping Technology - (pdf, 960kB)
Participation in the Conference was supported by a grant (NF-CZ08-BFB-1-013-2016) from the Fundfor Bilateral Cooperation on programme level – measure “B” under the programme CZ08.

Meeting Venue: TU Bergakakademie Freiberg, Germany
Date: 8 December 2015
Our contribution:
- M. Staf: Application of natural limestones in technology of high-temperature sorption of CO2 from flue gas - (pdf, 7.38MB)

62. konference chemického a procesního inženýrství – CHISA 2015
Meeting Venue: Hotel Jezerka, dam Seč, Czech Republic
Date: 9 -12 November 2015
Our contributions:
- M. Staf, K. Ciahotný, T. Hlinčík: Použití přírodních vápenců z lomů v České republice v technologii vysokoteplotní sorpce oxidu uhličitého ze spalin - (pdf, 3.56MB) (in Czech language)

Meeting Venue: Lednice, Česká republika
Date: 16 – 18 September 2015
Our contributions:
- Skopec P., Hrdlička J., Vodička M.: Zkušenosti s oxy-fuel spalováním ve stacionární fluidní vrstvě (in Czech language)
8th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, TCCS-8
Meeting Venue: Natural Science Building on the campus of NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Date: 16 – 18 June 2015
More information on the Conference webpage
Our contributions:
- Staf M., Ciahotný K.: Assessing of applicability of various limestones in high temperature carbonate looping technology - (pdf, 3.15MB)
- Jílková L.,Vrbová V., Ciahotný K.: Testing of different materials using sorption system quantachrome asiq - (pdf, 884kB)
- J. Hrdlicka, P. Skopec, J. Opatril, T.Dlouhy: Oxyfuel combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor
- Vávrová J., Štefanica J., Kočí V., Machač P., Pilař L.: Environmental gains and impacts of a CCS technology
- J. Hrdlicka, P. Skopec, J. Opatril, T.Dlouhy: Oxyfuel combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor

9th International Conference for Young Researchers and PhD students ERIN - Education, Research, INnovation 2015
Meeting Venue: Hotel Monínec, Monínec, Czech republic
Date: 4 – 6 May 2015
More information on the Conference webpage
Our contribution: Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate loop - (pdf, 690kB)

3rd International Conference on Chemical Technology (ICCT 2015)
Meeting Venue: Hotel GALANT, Mikulov, CZ
Date: 13 – 15 April 2015
More information on the Conference webpage
Our contributions
Lecture (in Czech language):
- K. Ciahotný, M. Staf, T. Hlinčík, V. Vrbová, V. Tekáč, I. Jiříček:
Vysokoteplotní karbonátová smyčka – moderní metoda odstraňování CO2 ze spalin - (pdf, 728kB)
- J. Vávrová, Štefanica, V. Kočí, P. Machač, L. Pilař: Environmental gains and impacts of a CCS technology - (pdf, 356kB)
Launch Conference of Programme CZ08 " Pilot Studies and Surveys on CCS Technology", Norway Grants 2009 – 2014
Meeting Venue: Národní technická knihovna (Ballingův sál), Technická 6, Praha 6 – Dejvice, CZ
Date: 8 April 2015, 10:00 – 15:00
Meeting Venue: Soria Moria Hotel and Conference Centre in Oslo, Norway
Date: 24 – 25 February 2015