Workshop “Cooperation between forerunner and follower countries in CCS research: The example of Norway and the Czech Republic”
Venue: SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: 14 November 2016
Programme –(pdf, 333kB)
The workshop was organized in a Czech-Norwegian cooperation, involving partners from three projects funded from CZ08 programme: " Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate loop (HITECARLO, coordinated by University Chemistry and Technology Prague)," Study of CCS pilot technologies for coal fired power plants in the Czech Republic"(coordinated by Czech Technical University in Prague) and " Preparation of a Research Pilot Project on CO2 Geological Storage in the Czech Republic " (REPP-CO2, coordinated by Czech Geological Survey). The workshop was attended by representatives of the public sector of the Czech Republic and Norway (Research Council of Norway, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic) and invited GHGT-13 conference participants.
More information about the workshop including presentations you find on link –
Our contribution:
- K. Ciahotný: Research of high temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas using carbonate
loop - (pdf, 390kB)
Participation in the Event was supported by a grant (NF-CZ08-BFB-1-019-2016) from the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation on programme level – measure “B” under the programme CZ08.