Project aimes
The main aim of the project is to contribute to the research on application of Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the Czech Republic. In accordance with the requirements of the European Commission and the SET-Plan (European Strategic Energy Technology Plan) the specific aim of the project is focused on (i) the research and the verification of CO2 capture technologies using high-temperature carbonate loops in laboratory conditions and (ii) the preparation of pilot plant design documentation for its construction on this principle. At the same time, the project contributes to the creation of a knowledge- and personnel-base for CCS processes in the Czech Republic.
Outline of the high temperature carbonate looping process
Project Activities
A – Project Management
B - Analysis of current state of the research and development on the field of high temperature carbonate looping
- Specification of the main outstanding problems of CO2 removal from the flue gas using the process of high-temperature sorption.
- Selection, definition and justification of problems for the solution in the framework of the proposed project. Clarification of the factual content of the project and the project goals.
C - Experimental research of carbonate looping and appropriate sorbents using model gas mixtures in laboratory conditions
- Testing different types of limestones from the perspective of their potential use in high-temperature carbonate loop. The temperature of decomposition and its influence on the adsorbent surface, changing of adsorbent surface to temperature and reactivity of CaO with CO2 at various temperatures will be investigated.
- Selection of optimal limestones for further testing in the laboratory facilities representing high temperature carbonate loop, the determination of the optimal working conditions of high-temperature carbonate loop.
- Design and construction of a high-temperature fluid laboratory apparatus for carbonate loop working with model gas N2 + CO2 and subsequent verification of the working conditions.
- Verification of laboratory apparatus operation and testing of selected adsorbents.
- Evaluation of the test results and the determination of the optimum working parameters for high temperature carbonate loop.
- Preliminary estimation of economic aspects for carbonate loop.
D - Design of pilot facility concept for research of flue gas decarbonatation using high-temperature looping.
- Research and selection of the concept of the energy section of the pilot facility for research high-temperature sorption of CO2 from flue gas by using carbonate loop. Specification input conditions and parameters for adsorption-desorption process.
- Research and development of the concept of a pilot system for the implementation of the process of carbonate loops for high-temperature CO2 sorption from flue gas. Preliminary layout of the system, the preliminary draft of the main components. The system dimensioning and preliminary chemical and thermal calculations in relation to the power source.
- The detailed calculations of the system. Proposals of the calculation models and system calculations. Calculations of the chemical base of the whole system of high temperature sorption, comparison of analytical results with laboratory tests, physics-technical and thermal calculations, calculations of mass and energy flows of the working media.
- Mathematical model of the high temperature sorption system. Development of calculation model of circulating fluidized bed high-temperature sorption Inc. verification of laboratory experiments. Calculations of fluid system, taking into account the different physics-chemical characteristics of sorbents.
- Design of the pilot system on the basis of detailed calculations, specification of the parameters of sorption processes.
- The proposal of measured parameters, method of measurement and visualization of measured parameters.
- The proposal for the management and safe operation of the pilot plant.
E - Documentation for the construction of a pilot plant for research of flue gas decarbonatation by using of the high temperature carbonate loop process.
- Elaboration of project and design documentation for the construction of a pilot facility.
- Processing specifications for the selection and purchase of components of a commercial character. Design of measuring positions and the requirements on the characteristics of sensors, processing specifications for purchase.
- Processing of tender documentation for the control unit of the pilot equipment and documentation for the connection with the user interface at the PC.
- Development of control software and software for evaluation and visualization.
F - LCA - life cycle assessment and determination of the carbon footprint of high temperature carbonate loop process by the use of LCA
- An appropriate characterization model will be developed based on the results of the pilot plant operation and the potential environmental impacts will be assessed
- Collection of inventory data will be performed and a functional and dynamic model of the life cycle of the high-temperature carbonate loop will be created using the LCA software GaBi (PE international)
- Potential environmental impacts of the carbonate loop operation will be classified and characterized using the LCA model
- It will be determined the total carbon footprint and GWP of the carbonate loop operation
- Structuring table(s) will be created from the LCA model. These tables point out the phases with positive and negative impacts throughout the life cycle of the carbonate loop.
- The effect of variable operation parameters and resulting environmental impacts will be studied. Measures will be proposed to reduce these environmental impacts
G – Overview of industrial sources, emitting CO2 and suitable for application of the technology of high temperature carbonate loop
- Acquisition of data from countrywide databases of air polluters and its completing using information sources of CHMI.
- Extension of the primary database by smaller sources at the regional level.
- Providing a summary of the technical parameters for each source, involved within wider primary overview of the polluters. Particularly following technical parameters are assessed: geographic location, age of the technology and its lifetime, terrain disposition and used technology.
- Removing such polluters, which obviously don´t accomplish criteria for successful implementation of the carbonate loop, from the primary list.
- Assessment of the selected sources in situ.
- Individual assessment of all the polluters, involved within the pre-selected list, on the basis of defined set of detailed criteria.
- Creation of the final database of the CO2 sources, best compatible for application of the carbonate loop.
H - Investigation of structural materials for the high-temperature carbonate loop technology
- Proposal of the experimental device with regard to requirements of high-temperature corrosion tests in the specific gas atmosphere typical for the high temperature carbonate loop
- Identification and procurement of the components for new experimental device.
- Construction and verification of the device and its preparation for the first test
- Identification of suitable structural materials for testing in carbonate loop, survey of availability of selected materials, procurement of available materials for production of specimens
- Proposal of testing methodology, production of specimens with regard to the methodology, sample holders procurement/production
- Performance of the first corrosion test of selected materials